Online food ordering system


Research says that 60 % of customer order food for delivery at least one a week, and 32% at least twice. Due to this pandemic online food ordering system have made tremendous changes to solve behavior of customer buying online. Restaurant business have moved to digital with drastic changes in technology. This means that the more you are online the more get customers. Our online food ordering system has its rich feature that your restaurant is fully digital. Kitchen will receive alerts at real time, which is the biggest challenges when the restaurant is receiving a huge number of orders. Our system will soved all these problem from customer ordering online to pass order kitchen and get ready for delivery.


  • Your own website.
  • Online ordering system
  • Track Customer
  • Manage Order
  • Email Alert
  • Kitichen auto notification
  • Manage Gift Voucher
  • Easy Payment
    • i.Cash on delivery
    • payment